Become a better version of yourself with Learning Health Vacation! We accompany you with our expertise on your way to your own center and promote the development of empirical knowledge for sustainable implementation in everyday life. Your self-healing powers are activated through self-awareness in different settings - including introspection and group experiences in yoga, cooking and mindfulness workshops. As part of this so-called “Learning Health Vacation” and through ritualising everyday life, we jointly achieve a sustainable increase in your well-being. We are healing companions for a while, health community and retreat for creative high performers.
Balance Med Spa
Body. Mind. Emotion. Soul.
Recreate yourself - only better!
In our fast-moving times, many people have lost access to themselves between all the demands. Pressure to perform, a globally networked life and an increased basic complexity of everyday life demand strength and energy.
This is exactly where the medically supervised, holistic health concept of the Balance Resort comes in. Be it through a regeneration program or a prevention approach - the focus is on the individual need, the personal path to balance and the whole of the human being. Medical diagnostics combined with effective therapies and coaching provide valuable impulses for a sustainable increase in well-being and a new body awareness.
Centering on one's own center optimizes the state of health and can also compensate for internal blockages and thus create the basis for long-lasting vitality. The (re) activation of the self-healing powers brings Body. Min. Emotion & soul permanently in harmony and ensures a new attitude to life.
Booking & information
We would be happy to advise you in detail by phone or email to find out which health program suits your individual needs.
Our team looks forward to your inquiry.
Tel.: +43 33265 5155
Health as a cultural asset with personal responsibility
Metabolic Balance® Med Retreat