• Entertainment

Book presentation

Quickly sort out the to-dos for tomorrow, scroll through the news and do the kitchen. If we go to bed so stressed, it's no wonder we wake up exhausted in the morning. To stay healthy, we need our sleep! But how can we do that? Sandra König knows the secrets and reveals them in her new book Pyjama Secrets – Abendroutinen und Wohlfühlrituale für guten Schlaf. On Saturday, 7 December 2024, at 9.00 pm, Sandra König will present her third book at the Falkensteiner Balance Resort Stegersbach. Our recommendation: Combine the book presentation with a wellness weekend with us in southern Burgenland - because what could be better than relaxation in our extensive pool and sauna area paired with tips from Sandra König on restful sleep? Would you like a book? Order it here.

External guests are also very welcome.